Bill Walsh

Antioch College


CW Oral History Pt 2 :; Bill Walsh
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00:00:00 - Introduction to Bill and Casa Latina

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bill talks about the start of casa latina andhow he became involved in its start. Values of US are difficult to live in. Intentions to start an intentional community. He talks about moving from providing housing for homeless people to a focus on housing latina women a few years after its start

00:09:30 - Neighborhood of CL changes in louisville

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Segment Synopsis: Bill has noticed a slow increase in housing and rent prices but does not feel that it has been a rapid process like gentrification.

00:12:41 - Relations with those living in the house

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Segment Synopsis: Bill talks about the people he has known who lived in the house and about how long they stay there.

00:17:21 - Organizational structure at Casa Latina

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Segment Synopsis: Bill talks about the 4 different buildings and operations on the campus at Casa Latina, which used to be a parish. He talks about Fr Robertson and how fearless he was in his work to establish the Casa Latina houses. Organism rather than organization. Focus on consensus rather than voting. Core group meets monthly. Talks about the difficulty of language barrier in including residents and community members who only speak spanish in the core meetings.

00:25:16 - Challenges to operating a CW house

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Segment Synopsis: goal is to make community. the only solution to the worlds problems is love and love works best in community. Not a shelter. Not landlords. focus on building a community, difficult to form when people are not used to functioning in a community rather than economic independence and self-reliance.

00:31:43 - Identity of Catholic Worker Movement

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Segment Synopsis: Organic organization means no two houses look alike. Spirit of work based on Peter and Dorothy guides most houses. Holy spirity unifies the movement. Bill talks about the common influence of christian anarchy and corporal works of mercy.

00:35:53 - Personal identity in CWM

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Segment Synopsis: Bill talks about the profound influence of Fr Peterson on him and his involvement in the movement. Impact of personalism.

00:40:50 - Catholicicm In CW and Historically

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Segment Synopsis: Bill talks about Dorothy and Peters relationship to Catholicism, Dorothy as a convert. Bill talks about ways in which Catholic Worker life has changed his relationship to his spiritual life. Talks about fear-driven conservative catholicism. Catholicism etymology 'Universal'.

00:51:30 - Conflicts between CW teachings and Catholicism

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Segment Synopsis: People are brought to CW for different reasons than to the Catholic Church. CW not 'Christian enough' for others its too religious. These things scare people away from CW.

00:56:52 - Changes in CWM

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Segment Synopsis: Bill reflects on how CWM has had a minimal influence on general culture.

01:01:03 - Christian Anarchy and Hierarchical Catholicism

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Segment Synopsis: Bill reflects on the paradox of catholic anarchy.