John Maynard

Antioch College


CW Oral History Pt 2 :; John Maynard
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00:00:18 - Introduction, Initial involvement with Catholic Worker Movement

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Maynard introduces himself, talks briefly about
first learning about the catholic worker movement
in the late 80s, and talks about washing
dishes at the soup line.

00:05:59 - Sense of humor at St. Joseph House

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Maynard talks briefly about the sense of humor
among volunteers at St. Joseph House and the
impact that had for him when he first learned
about the community

00:08:15 - Changes at St. Joseph House

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Maynard talks about some of the changes he
has witnessed or heard about between the late
80s and today. These include changes in ethnicity
of groups attending the soup line, changes
in communal behavior at the soup line,
the effect of crack cocaine on the homeless
population, the lack of change in the
dominantly white volunteer base, and changes
in the attitudes about LGBT voluneers
at the house

00:14:49 - Difficulties with volunteering, Burnout

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Maynard talks about the challenges of
volunteering at the soup line for so many years.

00:19:06 - Anarchist approaches to work, Non-hierarchical organizing

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Maynard talks about how they continue to
operate and get things done as an organized
group without a hierarchy of leadership. He
talks about the soup line and about the
process of maintaining the buildings."

00:30:04 - Changes in volunteer base and residents

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Maynard talks about some of the volunteers
who worked with the houses or lived there
and how long people stay involved."

00:35:56 - Final thoughts, Personalism, and the Impact of the Movement

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Maynard concludes with a anecdote about
Fr. Dan Berrigan's memorial service, which
was attended by thousands. He briefly discusses
the impact of the movement at large as something
that seems unnoticeable, but that must be
personal in nature to be true to its guiding

00:36:01 - Identity within Movement

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Maynard talks about his idendity within the
movement as a dedicated volunteer, but