Karen Pallist

Antioch College


CW Oral History Pt 3 :; Karen Pallist
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00:00:00 - Explanation of Interview

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Segment Synopsis: Interviewer explains the goals of the project to the interviewee.

00:02:06 - Introduction

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Segment Synopsis: Karen introduces herself, and talks briefly about how she got into her rule as bookkeeper and the duties that happen around Su Casa

00:04:47 - Duties and living situation

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about the duties that are done around the house. She talks about how taking care of families needs come first and the volunteer catholic workers do everything they can to help them. She talks about how the workers are responsible for everything collectively and the differences in living for part time and full time workers.

00:09:43 - Coming to Su casa

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about how she came to Su Casa and her life leading up to it, including not being Catholic and being a bus driver, and how she was ready for a change in her life when she came to Su Casa.

00:12:41 - The role of Su Casa and what it takes to run it

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about the mission of Su Casa and it being a 501(c)(3) and who they work to help. She then goes on to talk about the cost of running Su Casa and what that money is used for and the upgrades they are they are expecting in the future. She briefly goes on to talk where the money for Su Casa comes from. She then talks about the Catholic workers and who they are and what their backgrounds are including activists and spiritual individuals.

00:20:21 - Life before Su Casa

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about how she spent her life in poverty trying to be successful before coming to Su Casa and how she realized her lifestyle was unsatisfying.

00:26:47 - Enjoyment, Chicago then vs now

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about her enjoyment at Su Casa and how she feels like she is where she should be and is giving back to where she came from. She then briefly talks about her living in Chicago as a child and the changes to today.

00:33:58 - Challenges to being at Su Casa

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about the challenges to being at Su Casa including coming to consensus for decision making, being the first person of color to come to Su Casa. She then goes on to talk about the different political and religious ideals in the house and how that affects coming to consensus. She then goes on to explain how most of the Catholic workers are white and explains the background of that. She talks about how most of the women and children at the house are people of color and how it is not like that at most other Catholic Worker houses.

00:41:25 - The effect of Su Casa on the neighborhood, gentrification

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about how Su Casa is referred to as "The Castle" since it's such a big building in a neighborhood where there's a lot of poverty. She talks about how the community generally says good things about Su Casa, and talks about Su Casa's soup kitchen and how that is the most public facing part of Su Casa and how there's a positive connection with the community because of it. She briefly talks about gentrification in Chicago and how gentrification has affected the community and will continue to affect the community and Su Casa in the future. She talks about how Su Casa will still be around for the foreseeable future because they have a big population to help and where some of that population comes from.

00:52:06 - Where people go from Su Casa and connections they have

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about the turnaround and the timeline of some of the families and individuals at Su Casa and the struggles people face when leaving or even trying to leave. She then goes on to talk about the resources Su Casa has in terms of immigration lawyers

00:57:26 - Final thoughts, closing remarks

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about having a lot of hope for the young population coming into Su Casa and wanting to do good things but also talks about her dread for the state of our world but thinks cooperation rather than competing would help.

00:57:31 - The effect on the Catholic Workers

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Segment Synopsis: Karen talks about how it's hard to be working where you live and how its hard to decompress. She talks briefly about the burn out and the turn around of workers. She then goes on to talk about what is needed to work at Su Casa to give the families what they need to be successful and not do more harm to them.