Maria Scharfenberger

Antioch College


CW Oral History Pt 3 :; Maria Schaffenberger
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00:00:00 - Explanation of Interview

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Segment Synopsis: Interviewer explains goals of project to interviewee

00:02:01 - Introduction

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger introduces herself and talks briefly about her past work as an organizer, activist, social worker, and therapist.

00:03:58 - Liberation Theology

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger talks about her life in Peru and Guatemala, what she learned about liberation and theology, and what beliefs and practices inspired the model she aims to live. Once back in America, Scharfenberger found the catholic worker house and felt it was a great fit.

00:06:14 - Preventing Burnout

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger talks about the difference between living and working as a social worker in South America and America, and how Mary House helps prevent burn out in her career.

00:21:02 - Mary House

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger talks about the way Mary House works, the space they have, the level of communication they try to uphold, and their "hands-off" approach. Scharfenberger also talks about the core group within the house.

00:30:29 - Growing up Catholic

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger discusses growing up catholic, and how her experiences lead her to be a catholic worker that believes in social justice.

00:34:50 - Catholic Worker Movement

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger talks about the horizontal structure of Mary House, but points out that no model is perfect or "right," and each person has a role.

00:50:54 - Diversity in the Catholic Worker movement

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger discusses the challenges that come with recruiting catholic workers in general, but especially those that have more diverse backgrounds.

00:57:43 - The future of the Catholic Worker Movement

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger talks about the need for young people to carry-on this important work and to keep the feeling of community and personal connection strong. Scharfenberger also talks about the influence of social media on the movement, and how it may evolve trough generations.

01:02:54 - Closing Remarks

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Segment Synopsis: Scharfenberger closes by talking about her wish for Mary House to be more connected the the Catholic Worker Movement as a whole, and Father Vernon Robertson, whom originally bought the mary house property and called their group together.