James Murphy

Antioch College


CW Oral History :; James Murphey
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00:00:00 - Introduction to James Murphy

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Segment Synopsis: James talks about living and working at the catholic worker in Rochester. He talks about the importance of having mass while building community and hospitality. "cw embodies what catholicism should look like" but most of catholicism is less involved. James also discusses the ways in which CW houses differ from homesless shelters.

00:09:00 - Voluntary Poverty

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Talks about the fear of not making money, but the confidence hes gained from living in voluntary poverty for 5 years. Talks about the difference between voluntary poverty and involuntary poverty.

00:13:40 - Initial involvement in Catholic Worker Movement

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: James describes feeling deeply unhappy in life despite being successful, began going back to church, talked about the fear that keeps catholics from becoming truly radical and taking difficult steps. Talked about befriending the homeless who stayed at the shelter. Discusses moving to a new CW house.

00:22:52 - Transitioning into Catholic Worker life

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: first time living in community. learning about racism, white priviledge, "structural sins",

00:28:32 - Politics and the Catholic Worker Movement

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: james talks about his disillusionment with US political system because of rampant inequality. talks about small works of hospitality as radical work. small acts of kindness.

00:33:58 - Peter Maurin

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: James talks about the importance of maurins work as radical social justice teachings, importance of encyclicals written by popes