Paula Miller

Antioch College


CW Oral History Pt 4 :; Paula Miller
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00:00:00 - Explanation of the interview

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Interviewer explains the purpose of the
interview, along with asking the interviewee's
consent on letting their interview be public"

00:02:16 - Paula Miller's work background and duties that she does as a catholic worker.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula has been involved with the cleveland
community for about twenty years, along
with doing community work in Arizona for
four years. She has many duties that she
does as a catholic worker such as helping
to make dinner, doing store work,
bookkeeping, and teaching student groups
about poverty and homelessness."

00:04:41 - Faith and Resistance Retreat 2020

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula than talks about that cleveland is hosting the
Faith and Resistance Retreat this year which is a annual
event for catholic workers where they dive in a topic and
try to find a solution on how make it make it better
in the cleveland commuity and beyond."

00:06:52 - Paula's story on how she got into catholic Worker Movement

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula was raised as catholic. She also went to catholic
school for twelve years. When Paula was a adult, she
returned to Cleveland after doing work in Texas. She was
working as a justice organizer for a human rights group
in a building near catholic workers. Some of her
coworkers were already doing jobs with the catholic
workers so she would hear about them. Soon later,
catholic workers were facing a time where they had a
lack of volunteers to help them that they sent a call to
the community for help. Leading Paula to join them and
appreciate their work."

00:12:54 - Paula's Spiritual Views

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula doesn't pratice being catholic. She doesn't
considered herself religious that much, instead she
prefers to put her faith in nature and the arts.But she
is still open to including religous stuff in her life like
bible study and prayer. "

00:15:19 - The relationship between being a catholic worker and religion

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "While the catholic workers groups missions are based
on religion, Paula says that many people do catholic
work to help others more than religous reasons. In fact,
they attract a lot of nonreligious people who want to do
catholic work because they love to help folks out. Paula
also mentioned that the catholic worker group is very
accepting to everyone, no matter what their religon is as
long they're respectful. "

00:19:29 - The challenges of being a catholic worker

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Catholic workers have a hard time defining themselves,
especially looking back in history of Dorothy Day who
was both catholic and anarchist activist that many
catholic working place prevail anarchist.There is also
not really a hierarchy that they have to figure out
who should make the decisions for the community.

00:22:54 - Paula's decision on part time work

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula talks about how many community work
oraganizations prefer if their volunteers work part time
instead of full time so they can balance their community
work and their personal life without being overwhelm.
She decided to go part time at her nonprofit job
because she felt that working full time was unnecessary
since she was making more money than she needed in
life. She was also unhappy at her nonprofit job,
feeling like she wasn't making the world a better place
than she was in her catholic work."

00:30:46 - Paula's experiences with nonprofits

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula started off as a community organizer in the
late 90s with a local community development company
that was in its last era focusing on residents. Leading
there to be a shift to pay attention on business
development more. Paula was disappointed by
that she left there and went to work for a nonprofit place
where she became a loan officer and a housing
counselor. Helping people buy homes and be able to
to keep them. She felt was much more fulfilling
until the full closure crisis hit in 2008 because while
they got money from the state government to give out
to the homeowners. It was difficult to do since the
government and banks made it super hard for the home
owners to access this funding that Paula lost faith in

00:38:41 - The Process of Gentrification in Cleveland

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "A first wave of gentrification happened in the late 90s,
especially in the Tremont neighborhood to the east
side. Cleveland in general has gone in a fast paced
gentrification that there is hardly any empty space."

00:40:24 - Group resistance against gentrification

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Paula and her catholic work group resist gentrification
by going to meetings when they can to protest this
process. There was a property in Lorain that community
owners own where they were trying to fight
a development that was happening near this property
Paula and her workers also had to help
a long time church near them that helped others in need
because developers were trying to kick them out to
build fancy apartments.

00:46:21 - Paula and her group's dilemma

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula and her cathloic work group have joked about
moving their work to a farm since it has been hard to
do their job when gentrification has been growing
rapidly in Cleveland. They get stuck on a dilemma on
whatever they should leave or stay to fight housing
injustice that has been happening. Why they're hosting
the Faith and Resistance Retreat so they can talk to
other communities about this issue and figure out how
they can helps others who need homes but are being
forced to get kick out by high level developers."

00:58:46 - Power Dynamics, Decision making within the Catholic workers's community

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: "Paula does admit that there is sort of a power dynamic
yet there is not in their catholic work community at least
since one of their values is personal accountablitiy
where workers are in charge of themselves to commit
to the responsibilities of the community.
But it does lead the workers to have a lack of
communtication since many of them want to avoid
conflict. "

01:06:26 - Solutions to conflicts

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Paula and her group tries to solve these issues of
a lack of communtication by forming meetings with
everyone to make sure they're okay with a decision
that is being made.