Laurie Paul SOPP Oral History Interview

Antioch College
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00:00:14 - Early Life and What Brought Her to Antioch

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Partial Transcript: I grew up in a fairly boring Chicago suburb, and I felt quite constrained by this South Western suburb and moved to the city. And was basically, I would tend bar to earn money and then pay for school and I was at The University of Illinois at Chicago. And there, I met a guy named John Hayes...

Keywords: Antioch

00:05:05 - Campus Life

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Partial Transcript: could be who you were with respect to like your sexuality or physical appearance and nobody cared about how you wanted to, I just loved that that it was. It was true. In the classroom. You could ask questions and really explore things, and creativity was encouraged and kind of socially and there were lots of interesting people saying lots of interesting things...

00:07:52 - What Were Conversations of Consent Like Before the SOPP?

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Partial Transcript: I mean, there were definitely conversations about feminism and sexism and maybe sexual assault in some, some sense. I don't really remember having explicit conversations about about harassment or assault. There were obviously lots of local conversations going on as it always is and certainly questions about you know- think kind of feminism and just like that but nothing explicit.

Keywords: Antioch College; Consent; Gender; SOPP; Sexuality; Steve Schwerner

00:12:13 - When Did Those Conversations on Consent Start Happening?

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Partial Transcript: Well, yeah, because- so what happened was, there was a...

Keywords: Affirmative Consent; Antioch College; Consent; SOPP

00:21:15 - Community Meeting Demonstration

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Partial Transcript: Remember when I said I was involved in student activism before that, right? So, I was one of planners for that and I had been active in student politics before that. Before Antioch. And Antioch is like a place where there's a lot of back and forth and there's a lot of conversation, and people are opposed to us and different things. And I think that, what we need to show, is that this is a thing which has support. I actually think that April and I cooked up a plot...

Keywords: Accusers; Antioch College; Protests; Sexual Violence; Solidarity; Victims; Women

00:30:39 - Once Adopted, Do You Think it Was Effective?

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Partial Transcript: Good question. I clearly have no idea. I mean, I think I mean to say is, I think when it was adopted, people weren't quite sure what to do with it...

Keywords: Consent; SOPP

00:34:30 - The Media Frenzy Around the SOPP

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Partial Transcript: ...they were trying to contact and get people to say things. And I don't remember ever talking to them.

Keywords: Antioch College; Cedarville University; Media; New York Times; Ohio; Yellow Springs

00:39:08 - Reflections Thirty Years On

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Partial Transcript: I wish I had been less stressed about like it, right? Like, I don't know. When I said, like when you're trying to do something that people haven't done there's no kind of guidelines to follow. And I did feel both somewhat powerless, and I felt bad...

00:41:19 - Advice for Contemporary Students

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Partial Transcript: Me, I just hope that they can come talk to me if they need to.