Melaney Lewis-Courtice SOPP Oral History Interview

Antioch College
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00:00:28 - Early Life and What Brought Her To Antioch

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Partial Transcript: You know, I was never a very good student. Although I really love to learn. I struggled with some behavior issues in my early life. And so, by the time I got to high school, you know, college wasn't really on my radar but my sister was touring schools and I went with her and my dad and we toured Antioch and I just loved it.

Keywords: Antioch College; Glen Helen; Neurodivergence

00:04:52 - Campus Life

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Partial Transcript: I mean, when I went there, I'm not sure what it's like now, but, you know, we need to have a campus full of young people who are being allowed to. Express themselves, you know, like it was really great. But also, you know, don't really censor yourself or pick your battles at first, right?

Keywords: Consent; SOPP; Tensions

00:09:27 - Her Experience With the SOPP

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Partial Transcript: I don't really remember how the first part went. Like, if I filled out something or I don't know how that part went, and I've been trying to kind of remember, but the parts that I remember is that, you know, when it came down to the hearing part or whatever it was. I had a peer Advocate, you know...

Keywords: Community Council; Community Standards Board; Hearing; Peer Advocate

00:16:01 - The School's Process and Her Letters in the 'Record'

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, I don't think they cared. I think, I don't know if they wanted to appease the lawyers as much as maybe they just didn't want this to be on Antioch...

Keywords: Antioch Record; Consent; Process

00:21:37 - Feelings and Thoughts Thirty Years On

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I know at that time. I was angry...

00:25:25 - Do You Think the SOPP is a Good Thing?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Consent. The process of talking about consent and making consent a concrete thing in a relationship. Especially with young people, especially on college campuses, you know, all sorts of things are going...

Keywords: College Campuses; Consent

00:27:41 - Do You Have Advice for Current and Future Antiochians?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: ...find your voice and don't let it fade...