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00:00:02 - Introductions -Heidi Arnold

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Partial Transcript: "my name is professor Heidi Arnold and I teach communication"

"And I met you while I was incarcerated at Dayton correctional center."

Segment Synopsis: Introductions

00:00:34 - What made you lean towards teaching incarcerated individuals?

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Partial Transcript: "I had had an Inkling that I wanted to do this for years and years. I had had a neighbor who became incarcerated.... I liked him, I was loyal to him, I visited him. He was an older gentleman and was a great neighbor too me."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi explains how her neighbors arrest inspired her to extend who she offered her courses too.

Keywords: Incarceration; neighbors

Subjects: Communications; Sociology; education

00:01:47 - Is there a difference between incarcerated students and traditional students?

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Partial Transcript: "My first instinct is to say no, People are the same no matter where they are however... The women have a stronger desire as a whole to have an education not that people I teach downtown in the regular setting don't have that desire but it is much stronger on the inside."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi talks about how Incarcerated students are usually better students if not indistinguishable from a traditional student.

Keywords: education; incarceration; women

Subjects: education; sociology

00:03:25 - Were there any other courses you thought about teaching other then communications?

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Partial Transcript: "I think all of them are valuable but I'm a little bit biased. I think interpersonal is probably the most important."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi talks about the different topics she taught at Dayton correctional and what she thinks is the most valuable to teach.

Keywords: communication; intercultural communication; interpersonal communication

Subjects: communication; education; intercultural communication

00:05:12 - Furthering your education and Recidivism

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "The research says that with education there is less recidivism...I think my experience shows the same thing."

"We've gotta loosen something up if we want these people who are coming out in droves into our community to be apart of us and be successful."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi and Mary talk about education and recidivism. As well as ways she has to adjust her pedagogy to accomodate for the "security" restrictions the prison puts on its students.

Keywords: Education; Recidivism

Subjects: Education; Recidivism

00:11:04 - How hard is it for an institution like Sinclair or a college to start the process of teaching at a prison?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I don't know as I'm not a mover and shaker....But I think it really requires the people at the top to really want it."

"I think we forget sometimes that we can't just brush them under the rug we can't just forget about it. It reminds me of this African proverb that if you want to go fast you go a lone and if you want to go far you go together."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi talks about some of the challenges of a school offering its education program to the prison.

Subjects: education

00:13:13 - What was some of your most memorable moments when teaching at Dayton Correctional?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Wow there's a lot. A lot happens in the classroom."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi tells some stories about when she had those "aha" moments that a teacher has with a student and how teaching communications specifically lead to helping people connect dots about their past. And how inspiring it is to meet some of her students once they get out.

Subjects: Classroom; psychology; sociology

00:14:50 - Would you teach in a mens prison? Do you think it would be very different?

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Partial Transcript: "I certainly would not pass up that opportunity, especially now that I feel more comfortable....I do think they're different."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi talks about some of the differences of what men have going against them and going for them after prison and how that affects education. Ultimately focusing on the idea that "people are people."

Subjects: education; gender; recidivism

00:18:55 - How do you feel about what responsibilities the system puts on people to make something of themselves once they leave prison? and the perception people have of formerly incarcerated or currently incarcerated individuals?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "The justice system isn't really just. And I think the key to getting someone to understand that is letting them meet somebody who was on the inside....We have to get them to drop the curtain and show people who they are."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi talks about the effects she's seen on her students from incarceration and its comparisons to what people outside prison have as an expectation of who goes to jail.

Keywords: interpersonal communication.

Subjects: Interpersonal communication; Psychology; Sociology; perceptions; recidivism

00:24:25 - The effort it took from Mary to get out of prison and turn their life around.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "just the effort it took to mail a letter was so wild."

Segment Synopsis: Mary Evans the Interviewer talks about her experience with attempting to better herself while incarcerated.

00:25:50 - The importance of Hope

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "If I can go in there for a couple of hours a week and offer a little bit of hope through this course, everybody on this planet as to have some kind of hope. It's part of the human condition."

Segment Synopsis: Heidi and Mary talk about the struggles incarcerated people are up against and how much of their success is dependent upon holding onto hope from the outside.

Keywords: sociology

Subjects: hope; psychology; sociology