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00:00:01 - Introductions, a dialogue over a response.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tom Manley: "A Dialogue is something that is interactive at points, something where you may reflect and discus on specific ideas. The important part is that you keep moving ideas forward. [.....] Ideas are not in conflict but that they are both working together to come to conclusions in an efficacious way."

Segment Synopsis: An introduction to the day of Dialogue, a public meeting held in response to the protests on Antioch College campus in favor of the creation of a POC hall as a response to the attacks had been happening on Women of Color.

Keywords: Critique; Dialogue; commitment; questions

Subjects: Community; Dialogue; POC; WOC; activism; public meetings

00:07:53 - What brought the administration to have this event.

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Partial Transcript: Mila Cooper: "The presidents staff has developed an action plan to address the 10 recommendations of these students, we thought it would be a good idea to continue this dialogue."

Segment Synopsis: Mila Cooper, Dean of Students, goes into what the administrations goals are by having this event.

Keywords: Dialogue; POC; administration; concerns

Subjects: Antioch college administration; POC; Student demands; activism; dialogues

00:15:15 - Who should start first?

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Partial Transcript: Student 1: "It'd be easier for us to know your initial thoughts about the housing before we continue because, a lot of us had a chance to talk about it last Tuesday and come up with a basis of what we were thinking. At least for me I don't know how to present this [...] without having [the administrations] opinion on POC housing first."

Administrator 1: "I can list off all kinds of things as to why I would or wouldn't support an issue but that isn't important as far as the context in question for the issue involved, and I don't know all of the points of views of the students involved today at Antioch college in 2016. Honestly to me, that is sort of the more relevant piece of information before it can inform my perspective of which other ideas, or thoughts, or philosophy I can contribute to the conversation at all."

Segment Synopsis: Students ask for the administration to give a hard answer as to what the administrations thoughts are on POC housing so the students can further determine if the administration is listening to them and how the students can further convey their demands.

Keywords: Dialogue; POC housing; administration

Subjects: POC housing

00:19:41 - The students start

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Partial Transcript: Student 1: "Last quarter when we met with a bunch of POC for the normal group we started talking about POC housing mainly because, as a group, this is a very small group, and this is a predominantly white school. When you go to your classroom, your residence hall, anywhere, you can't find other people who don't also share a similar experience to what you've had. Many women of color in particular have gained distrust of a lot of people on campus... There is only one other person of color, and when I got my note I felt very, very unsafe in my hall, as an RA."

Segment Synopsis: Here the students begin to voice their concerns and their desires for a POC hall on campus as a result of multiple women of color being under attack and the administration not appropriately responding to these attacks.

Keywords: POC; Residence Hall; Safe; WOC; Women of Color Case Unit

Subjects: diversity; housing; safety; security; student safety; women of color

00:25:55 - Confidence in your community.

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Partial Transcript: Student 2: "I don't live at Antioch so I'm a bit more removed. I just want to add that one of the main points we touched on is that the concern that the POC students are separating themselves from the community and that's not what we want. As POC it is hard to go on day to day to without being around other people who don't understand what you're going though in a community. It's to create a better sense of community here so we have this space that is for us. This confidence in your community? The hope is that it would spread out and we'd be more willing to share our culture and our ideas."

Segment Synopsis: another student explains how a POC hall would allow the POC students to be more reassured in themselves and give them a refuge from microaggressions.

Keywords: Community strength; Home Base; POC

Subjects: Home base; security; understanding

00:27:46 - Self Segregation

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Partial Transcript: Student 3: "The question brought up was self segregation. I just brought up the term of self preservation. You're saying that the POC and students of color are removing themselves from the community but no because we also have a woman's hall already. I'm more successful because of that woman's hall. I feel that safety being in that hall. Students are saying I need to have this hall, to chose this community to build this up around my identity. Not everybody who is a student of color should have to be in that hall it should be an option for those who want that."

Student 4: "The best quote that was brought up during our discussions last week was not wanting to be a melting pot. We can't be melting all together we have to be us and then we can break together and be some bomb ass food."

Segment Synopsis: Here a student challenges the notion of self segregation.

Keywords: Self segregation; self preservation; students of color

Subjects: community; confidence

00:30:10 - The administration responds.

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Partial Transcript: Mila Cooper: "Thinking about my own experiences as a college student and then as a person of color and then as a professional in higher education, I don't think this issue has ever allowed that controversy or disagreement in terms of where it happens on college campus, but it does strike me as odd that when you talk about gender on college campus it wasn't the same hot button issue as race. To try to think about that and find the answer to that which is so complicated... This isn't an answer necessarily but it is a hot button issue and always has been. I think asking how other campuses may habe dealt with this is important."

Administrator 2: "I've sent a letter to the POC group a while ago, when we look at how other places do this there is always pieces to this. What we've been looking at is what kind of structure are we looking at? The needs here go beyond just providing space but a much more structured network and a better network of support. There are ways residence life can provide better support for those needs. These requests come from needs and residence life is committed to supporting those needs."

Segment Synopsis: Voices in the school administration voice there openness to the idea of POC hall.

Keywords: administration; gender; needs; poc; support; woc

Subjects: POC; WOC; community; support

00:35:24 - The administration asks if there are any students or faculty opposed to a POC hall.

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Partial Transcript: Student 5: "So, my first year here we had a dinner with someone in the community and I was pared with [name] and I said that "Oh they pared the Hispanic people together." and someone in the administration had heard that. Then they sent me an email saying "well I'm sorry, we were just trying to provide support." the way I interpreted that was "oh well this is kind of weird to me?" because I come from a place where there is a lot better ratio of people of color to white people and at that moment I didn't necessarily appreciate it. After spending more time here I realized "Wow there is no diversity" perhaps it was a good to at least, I don't interact with another no-white individual later on because of the numbers. I don't personally feel like I have experienced any direct aggression with anyone in this environment. I can understand how other individuals do and that is of course an issue and I support the idea of having a space to share cultural backgrounds that may not be understood by others. However I feel that for personal safety that is avoiding the problem. I feel like it's trying to build this barrier to someone that has a harmful behavior that could hurt someone outside of this barrier and that aversion can continue if especially they later on have some influence over decision making and that this is disembodying the problem....."

Student 4: I think this is also what goes into the other recommendations that is having a better support system behind events that may happen with safety. This is outside of the hall at this point. Having a better support system so that if something does happen, hopefully not, if there is something that does happen there is a better support system for that. I think a POC hall is just one of the steps and we can't focus that as everything going on as part of the climate on campus. There are many other things that need to be worked on for things to be better."

Student 6: "I'm so for it because I really agree with the idea of creating a bigger community and where if I come to a space where they will just get it and I won't have to explain to someone else or they just don't get it. I can just walk up to someone and they will understand and that is just awesome, I think that is awesome and I get a general feel where I don't feel bad at myself for other people not understanding me. But on the other end I feel like in having a POC hall it could be hindering in learning how to deal with other situations like that and dealing with other people in the world dealing with their own racial issues. If we are all in that centralized space we wont be learning how to deal with that in an effective way because in the real world we can't just fin an apartment building that is all POC. That's just, that's just not ideal and if you do great but I don't think that is realistic.

In regards to safety what if said person comes to a localized space? What if they just come after all of us? I feel like there could be other ways to implement safety on campus that starts with the actual root of the problem and the issue like these attacks were important and we can't just ignore them. I feel like we should be dealing with it head on and like the support group and the backing that we should have as a group. What if people can just brush off our other issues as "Oh well they have their hall so their fine." I just worry about having a space like that and just having more things happen and not making the whole community understand that certain things are not acceptable."

Segment Synopsis: The Administration asks for any students opposed to a POC to speak up. Very little is said in opposition to this change in housing.

Keywords: POC; Ratio; diversity; safety

Subjects: POC; activism; diversity; ratio; safety

00:45:13 - The Administration weighs in on student concerns about what else will be done.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Administrator 2: "So I think that is an important point as a sociologist. For all identity groups we're making assumptions, because for all identity groups teenagers, LGBTQ, racial and ethnic groups, there is in group violence and out group violence. There is in group microaggressions, stereotypes, and things that happen and also out group. Statistically, for some of the higher levels we know that arguably because of geographic location and in groups being homogeneous in how they live, I think that.... This need of how to generate a much broader campus culture and set o support system and intervention response systems we need to address the issue at hand which is safety and security. That is one of the reasons why I feel that a POC hall wont address those issues.

Segment Synopsis: The administration attempts to make supportive comments highlighting the concerns of students opposed to a POC hall.

Keywords: POC; ingroup violence; microaggressions; out group violence; sociology

Subjects: POC; ingroup violence; microaggressions; outgroup violence

00:46:56 - What is the job of POC students here?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Student 7:"Is it to learn or is it to teach others. I'm a big advocate for both. If you're going through any type of assault emotional or physical it is very hard to learn."

Segment Synopsis: Students express their need for a POC hall to aid them in their studies and the mental/emotional toll of constant exposure to micro-aggressions.

Keywords: POC; Responsibilities; assault; emotions

Subjects: POC; activism; responsibilities

00:56:04 - Is it about separating white people from people of color?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Student 8: "The U.S. Virgin islands is mostly black, and so I come from a largely POC community. I guess when I'm around a lot of POC people. It's not a matter of us being separate from white people it is a matter of feeling at home. When you come form a large POC community and then you are dropped into a community that is a majority of white people, there is a learning experience there. I didn't know how to interact with a lot of white people. I grew up interacting with like two white people. Coming here is a learning experience you get to see all different aspects of life outside of this singular community that you are raised in. At the same time I found it hard to have the identity that I had. It's like having to adapt to the identity that I have. It's not about throwing away what makes you you but almost conforming to the society around you. Had I had this hall, I would have felt like I didn't need to put away that part of me but at the same time I also need to be in the society."

Segment Synopsis: Students explain how its not about separating people based on race.

Keywords: acceptance; culture; identity

Subjects: community building

01:02:34 - How are we holding this anonymous person accountable?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Student 9:"it just kind of worries me that we feel like we have to move to a central location to be around each other. Why should we have to remove ourselves?"

Student 10:"quarantine?"

Student 11:"None of us are sick. It sounds so strong? Why do we have to remove ourselves to combat other people who we feel like are attacking us? It's mostly just safety and taking stuff back that I worry about. Other then that having someone that have people to lean on for support sounds pretty great."

Segment Synopsis: Students elaborate more on questions about what happens with the anonymous person who has been assaulting these women of color.

Keywords: POC; defense; isolate; protection; security

Subjects: POC; security

01:07:15 - The administration talks about different generations of Antioch with POC housing.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Administrator: "You started Meli with the statement 'we don't understand why it's so complex and hard' you've defended this decision. So you've put some cases out there to defend this decision.... Mila talked about how this has a long history in contrast to other types of affinity housing. The complexity is around the dialogue, it's around the fact that even if everyone in this room were in agreement, we know that just based on the pieces you mustard your case for there are a lot of people out there who hold those stereotypes, operate from those assumptions, so from our perspective how do we avoid creating those stereotypes that Antioch is going back to Jim crow..... The board talked about different iterations of Antioch that had POC housing and what that looked like. How do we facilitate a conversation broadly that really helps other people realize that Antioch is not recreating Jim Crow."

Segment Synopsis: The University explains their questions to the students as far as how to go further and the students respond.

Keywords: Jim Crow; POC; Segregation; affinity housing; conversations; stereotypes

Subjects: activism; affinity housing; community perceptions

01:16:34 - Would a POC hall end racism?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Student 12:"No of course not, but that doesn't mean it isn't a step that people need. So, then the dialogue can continue and it should continue, its more harmful if we expect it to end after that."

Segment Synopsis: The discussion goes into how these actions could continue after the creation of a POC hall.

Keywords: POC; anonymous; housing; safety

Subjects: defensible; safety

01:20:56 - What do we do if someone needs something and we disagree with it?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Student 13: "I've had so many thoughts, I've had my own internal issues. Let's start from the beginning I was at a coffee shop in Dayton when I got the email and I was like 'oh, OK' and I was with my room mate who is from San Francisco and I'm from LA, so we have that rivalry but we've bonded since we're both latina women. If you're more local will that make you an easier target? All white halls is a concern I have. Most of the halls I've been an RA on have been very diverse. What if a POC person wants to room with a white person? Will the be alone in an all white hall? Will the feel like they are the only person on that hall that is non-white? Will that person feel like they're not a part of the POC community because they're not a part of that hall?... Through today I was taking notes and it's a way for me to process.... Just because you're POC doesn't mean you will get a long with all POC or that you will relate with all POC. The idea that if you're POC and I'm POC we all have the same experience is not necessarily true and my other friend was like right but we don't all want to deal with racism. There are other problems we can try to face. When we were all put together I thought that was racist. Like really they're going to put together all of the Hispanic kids together I didn't realize that.... I would rather people have something they need if they want it than block it because of my own personal philosophical view point."

Segment Synopsis: Students who disagree or question the concept of a POC hall still voice support for the option.

Keywords: Latina; Students; attacks

Subjects: POC; WOC

01:24:56 - Tom Manly speaks on the Administrations stance.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tom Manly: "Actually it wasn't rejected the decision was to not make a decision at this point and in favor of expanding this conversation, and as I said earlier it seems to me we're also looking to develop a way of building community here that is not simply a one off. Every year we come back and we start all over. We want something to build on in terms of a set of principals we share in forms of governance, decision making, around thinking not only what we need but what the larger needs we are going to be serving in the future are. A decision hasn't been made that is the first thing and secondly it was to make sure that we were honoring other goals that were being advanced in terms of how we govern the college and involve more then just one group whether it's the administrative group or the faculty or even the trustees who ultimately have the authority but don't make all of the decisions of the college. Can I turn that around and ask another framing question? We have a sense that the trustees or some of the alumni board weighed in and this was there experience or the concerns they had. What long range concerns that we might have what things should we be considering that a board member would be thinking about? It's not that there are a bunch of people just sitting around waiting to say no. In my brief experience with the Antioch board right now they have a very clear sense of what their job is what their roll is and how to help support us in building an institution that we need, not necessarily one that always expresses what we want in the moment. I always find it kind of useful to stop in my head my left brain kind of linear process is to step out of that and ask what is in somebody elses head about this? What would their concerns be? There has always been a much better way in organizing their thinking. There are always different rolls around the table. If you have a million dollars? 'how am I going to spend all of that right now?' you have to ask yourself how do you need to not spend that for the next group of people in that community. Trustees have that responsibilities of thinking not only about the current institution but how to build that institution in the long run."

Student: "yea malta"

Tom Manly: "I think malta probably knows that, but I'm asking those of us who don't have to make that decision to imagine why we are needing to have a dialogue here. You mentioned a couple of things you're concerned about reinstituting Jim Crow, how that address the safety concerns. There is the safety issue but thats not all of what I'm hearing. The word that is screaming out to me is sanctuary. Where is sanctuary for people when they need it? When they have to step out of something when it is hard and pressing and where do we find that? The first question is just what do we imagine that people who may have concerns are thinking and what is the basis of their concerns."

Segment Synopsis: Tom Manly president of the college speaks with students about what they think the board needs to be considering in the future.

Keywords: POC; Sanctuary; board; comfort; community building; safety; trustees

Subjects: community; safety; sanctuary

01:35:00 - The administration voices their concerns with donors.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Mila Cooper: "Some may reflect on this horrible situation we had in the 70s and I don't know all of the situation. I think it was people of color who were African American I think they had a whole building, an alum told me some of the stories about how they had their own classes and they brought in there own faculty over the week end and it caused some problems for the college. I think the college has a historical reputation of being radical and I know people define that in different ways, I've heard since I've been here that some say that was part of our demise and maybe this a move into that more radical era and could impact donors who don't agree with this. It could be what is on their minds."

Segment Synopsis: The administration talks about why the alumni and donors may not be comfortable with antioch taking this direction and the students respond.

Keywords: Segregation; activism; administration; alumni; new antioch; nostalgia; old antioch; radicalism; visions

Subjects: Nostalgia; activism; administration; fear; inter generational conflict

01:49:11 - The students ask to speak with the board of trustees directly.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Student 14: "We understand that this is coming from a much higher up position and there are other inputs not necessarily in this room. There are other people who have a really big stake in this who are making decisions and we really want the opportunity to talk to them about this and tell them how we feel about his issue. It might be more valuable to hear from the students how we feel about this issue, to talk to board members, to talk to donors, it would be really great if you could help us figure out who to talk to about this."

Tom Manly: "I think that would be very effective. While there are board members who perhaps have very strong opinions about this. What I was trying to get at about this before was to get us to be at a point of empathy to understand that their view points aren't aimed a 'no' I can tell you much more personally since I'm closer to our board members in age that I can imagine for example I was in Boston last week end my formative experience in Boston was in 1974 when there was movement to integrate schools in south Boston. That was a battle in a northern city. 10 years after the civil rights movement in the south. There tremendous segregation in the country and in some cases there still is a lot of people don't know that was a violent battle. My second day I was standing on a corner handing out leaflets and there was another guy handing out leaflets too who I didn't really know. I turned just in time to see these guys walking out with big smiles on their face and one guy had a baseball bat behind his back and I turned around just in time to see the guy crack the other guys skull, and the feeling of blood on my back and on my face. I mean I can still feel it today. A lot of people went through really powerful experiences back in the day one of the board members brothers was Andrew Goodman. So a lot of people fought really hard to open things up and to them it may seem like things are going backwards. Now I don't think the kind of conversation that I've heard today is going backwards at all and I agree that it is really important as a discussion to open up and include people who's first reaction is 'no why would we do that' but you have to understand that they aren't standing in line to say no because people won't make donations though that is a fear. You can say "we understand that this doesn't seem like what you may understand but it's not because were not in 1965 there are elements of Jim Crow still alive and well' and yes I think we can broker a more helpful conversations for the larger community."

Segment Synopsis: After some students ask how they could make their proposal to the board of trustees Tom Manly President of Antioch college explains what tactics he thinks would be valuable and talks about a personal experience he had while fighting segregation and systemic racism.

Keywords: Violence; activism; coping mechanism; segregation; self segregation

Subjects: activism; inter-generational conflict

01:51:32 - Tom Manly feels the need to tell his experience with fighting segregation.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I was handing out leaflet to open up Boston schools, which were segregated at the time."

Segment Synopsis: President of Antioch college Tom Manley states his experience with protesting against segregation and the horrific violence forced on some people during the time of Jim Crow. His exact reasons for finding this important to highlight are unclear.

Keywords: Segregation; political violence

Subjects: Political violence; activism; desegregation

02:02:06 - Conclusions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tom Manly: "Your job is to claim your education and you have to do that."

Segment Synopsis: Students Voice their enthusiasm to be involved in this decision and Tom Manly gives closing thoughts.

Keywords: Dialogue; Responsibility; shared authority

Subjects: Closing; Dialogue; Responsibility