Partial Transcript: Can you please say your name and your year at Antioch?
Segment Synopsis: Ishan Allen is man of color at Antioch College. This interview takes place during his third year.
Keywords: Antioch; third year
Subjects: MOC; POC; antioch college; college campus; college student; people of color; student of color
Partial Transcript: How do you feel about the statement "race is not real"
Segment Synopsis: The idea of a Melting Pot is what comes to Ishan's mind when provided the phrase "race is not real." Ideally, people of different races should be able to all blend because race shouldn't actually matter in an ideal world. That being said, Ishan is aware that that is not how society interacts with the concept of race. Over all, to say that race does not exist is something Ishan sees as negative because that statement to him ignores how deeply embedded race is within society. Ishan agrees and identifies with people who find pride in their race and wish to be visible as a person with in a racial subgroup. Everybody being able to love who they are is an important ideal that Ishan has. Familial history is important and so is not feeling ashamed of, and even celebrating, one's background.
Keywords: culture; identity; melting pot; race
Subjects: culture; erasure; family history; idealism- race in society; identity; racial background; racism
Partial Transcript: What are your feelings and thoughts on the POC culture at Antioch?
Segment Synopsis: At Antioch College, Ishan considers race is to be often ignored or pushed to the side. Antioch is a college where the student body has a white majority. Ishan finds that there is many ways students of color cope with that. Either one chooses to celebrate their culture and bring it to campus or the culture is let go, almost like it is being hidden. Ishan thinks the latter is more common. Actually finding POC culture at Antioch is not an easy task according to Ishan. This was something Ishan had to adapt to, because he previously not experienced anything like that.
Keywords: antioch college; culture; poc
Subjects: POC; college campus; erasure; race
Partial Transcript: What was the process- I mean, I assume you're speaking from also your own experience.
Segment Synopsis: As previously mentioned, Ishan found himself having to adapt as a person of color at Antioch. Over the course of life at Antioch, Ishan experienced growth and discovered more about what it meant to be himself. He mentions how Co-Op and POC group helped him see himself and his culture differently. Ishan felt as though he already knew himself during his first Co-op, and looking back he can tell he did a lot of self discovery during his 3rd year co-op. Ishan notes that sometimes people get caught up in pleasing others by performing an identity and how that differs from actual celebration of one's identity. "Euphoric" is the word he uses to describe being about celebrate himself and background.
Keywords: experience; self discovery
Subjects: POC; adapting; celebration; personal experience; poc culture; race; racial identity
Partial Transcript: So in your opinion, what kind of social constructs contribute to racism on our campus?
Segment Synopsis: Despite Antioch being a college where social justice is emphasized, racism is still an issue that persists on campus. Ishan gives two possible explanations for this. One being that with social media, people think that they can make comments and start trouble without having to face consequences in real life. Ishan also brings up the way things are done at Antioch, specifically the fast paced nature of life on campus (the quarter system for example) makes it hard for permanent solutions to take hold. Solutions are put in place constantly, but the energy of life on campus makes it easy for people to move on quickly.
Keywords: antioch college; racism; social constructs; social media
Subjects: POC; misinformation; race; racism; social constructs; social media; solutions; students of color
Partial Transcript: Please explain in your own words the POC Day of Disappearance action, um, and whether or not you felt it was impactful
Segment Synopsis: During The Day of Disappearence, POC members of the student body and faculty at Antioch organized a demonstration where people of color would hold a day long meeting in the Coretta Scott King Center, thus "disappearing" from campus in order to show what Antioch would be like without people of color. Ishan Allen was a student of color who chose to participate. Ishan believes that the Day of Disappearance was most impactful to the people who were involved, those who showed up and participated in the CSKC. Unfortunately, Ishan doesn't think that many people actually noticed the "disappearance" of their peers and POC staff. The meeting was positive over all because of how much participation went on and how he experienced the sharing of many different feelings and perspectives. The two main take-aways for Ishan were that assumptions should be held until more information is available and that it is important to seek out the direct source. These are two ideas that Ishan was already familiar with but that were solidified during the Day of Disappearance. This demonstration was particularly impactful to Ishan, even though he has been apart of similar meetings before. For Ishan, the amount of engagement and active listening is what made the day unique. The length of the meeting also helped make that level of engagement possible. Ishan also sites the accumulation of issues that needed addressed to have made the dialogue easier to engage with.
Keywords: POC; day of disappearance; impact; people of color
Subjects: POC; community engagement; conscious listening; demonstration; impact; people of color; protest
Partial Transcript: How do you feel about the word "segregation"
Segment Synopsis: Ishan sees the use of the word "segregation" being used against POC when they want their own space, which he finds to be a misuse of the term considering the historical impact o factual segregation. People of color standing with and caring for each other by definition cannot be segregation, as actual segregation is was in no way a choice. The use of the word "segregation" in this context is harmful whether that is the intent or not, as it is gutting the actual meaning of the word in order to justify not complying the needs of POC for community spaces.
Keywords: POC; race; racism; segregation
Subjects: POC; criticism; exclusion; poc support; race; segregation