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00:00:00 - Introductions and the distinctions that "race isn't real but racism is."

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Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "Hello"

Segment Synopsis: Alyssa explains her views on how race is a social construct created to justify oppression, her experiences as a woman of color, and the different ways different communities have made use of the term "race is not real." Here she defines why she believes race isn't real and how it was an invented social construct, yet the concept of colorblindness and the term that race isn't real is also used by white people to silence POC voices.

Keywords: Diversity of People; Diversity of experience; Erasure; Ethnicity; Race; Social Construct

Subjects: Activism; POC; Personal Experience; Women of Color

00:05:02 - POC culture is a positive thing on campus

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Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "Poc Culture is very good at giving a sense of family when you are very far away from home."

Segment Synopsis: Here Alyssa goes into detail about how POC culture has been a net gain for those participating in it yet it still receives a negative view externally more so then how the Women's Group, or the LGBTQ groups are seen. Highlighting sexism as one of the many social constructs negatively influencing the POC culture on Antioch's Campus. She calls out men of color for not being as active in the group.

Keywords: Social Construct; feminism; race

Subjects: Activism; POC; Personal Experience; Women Of Color

00:09:58 - Alyssa explains the POC day of Disappearance in her own words.

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Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "It would be very impactful to see if people would even notice if the people on campus were gone....I think it was very helpful at the end of the day."

Segment Synopsis: Alyssa goes into detail on what the day of disappearance was like from her perspective. How the Idea was initially hatched, how quickly they recruited people to participate, and what the communities perspective of the event was.

Keywords: POC; changing minds; organization; participation

Subjects: Activism; POC; Women of color

00:12:25 - A demand for Safety.

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Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "There have been a series of attacks, some of them have been to me, some of them have been to people I know. All of them have been anonymous which is sort of disturbing, because it shows that they knew it was wrong but they chose to do it anyways, and it's very tactful that they chose to do it anonymously."

Segment Synopsis: Here Alyssa talks about the violence committed against Women of Color on campus and the specific incident that inspired the Day of Disappearance. Specifying that the action was due to solidarity and safety for students who had been attacked anonymously.

Keywords: Anonymity; POC; Violence on campus; Women of color; sexual violence

Subjects: Campus Safety; POC; Privacy; Women Of Color; Women of Color

00:14:31 - Is a POC hall a form of "self segregation?" - No

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Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "I don't believe that this is a form of self segregation at all and I believe that people are bringing this up because we are people of color. There is a women only on campus they don't bring up self segregation, there is a men's only hall on campus they don't call that self segregation, There is an LGBTQ only hall they don't call that self segregation, Once you bring in race is when they bring up self segregation."

Segment Synopsis: The worry and the concept of self segregation is only being asked specifically because the students are asking for a POC hall according to Alyssa.

Keywords: Culture; POC; Safety; Segregation

Subjects: Activism; Intersectionality; POC; Segregation

00:16:12 - What are some experiences you've had with learning to appreciate culture?

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Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "I wanted to like cry in Walmart, I wanted to just lay down in the aisle."

Segment Synopsis: Antioch attempts to separate people of color across campus for example Alyssa's experience with seeking out other Hispanic students and finding them spread across north hall. Here Alyssa sites this as something that has specifically made the Hispanic community on campus stronger. The more specific nuances that lead up to Alyssas experiences with culture shock, moving from Texas to Ohio. The diversity that colleges are trying to push as a form of picture perfect advertising.

Keywords: Culture shock; affirmative action; food; hispanic culture; poc; self comfort; separation

Subjects: Culture shock; culture; marketing; poc

00:20:00 - Do POC students have a responsibility to explain their perspectives to others? And what can help it be less exhausting?

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Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "We need a place to relax, and feel comfortable, and bond."

Segment Synopsis: Alyssa expands on why a POC hall is necessary because the campus' size makes maintaining privacy challenging, and POC students have a need for a place to relax and feel comfortable. Some people regardless of friendship can exhaust you. Here Alyssa explains the need of POC students to have a place to go to receive a break from the "responsibilities" to explain POC views to people. She goes further into why it is not anyone's responsibility to explain this but usually POC are happy to provided they can exert some control over the time and place on when they can interact with that topic. She also explains how being forced to regularly engage with this and have no refuge can negatively affect POC students education. Specifically the constant stress of having everything you do be questioned and not considered normal.

Keywords: Culture; POC; displacement; education; refuge

Subjects: culture; poc education

00:24:00 - Has Antioch lost its progressive culture, can it be regained, and other conclusions.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Alyssa: "I think with diversity, most things come naturally and you can't force it."

Segment Synopsis: Here Alyssa concludes that Antioch can bring this culture back and find a way to allow for every one to feel included and be free of a sense of displacement.

Keywords: culture; displacement; inclusion

Subjects: Activism culture; POC; antioch college