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00:00:13 - Introductions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you mind saying something?

Segment Synopsis: Meli explains why she would agree with the statement "Race is not real." What transitioning from Kenya to America was like at the age of 11. Discusses one of her earliest experience with racism and transitioning from believing it was a generational thing to having never gone away. The distinctions between "The black kids and the African kids" in her home town and what that difference was like at Antioch. Meli explains her journey learning English and how losing her accent had "put being black onto her" as opposed to being seen as African. She spends some time discussing other details about her assimilation into the US.

Keywords: Africa; POC; immigration; race relations; women of color

Subjects: africa; discrimination; immigration; poc; race relations; women of color

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Map Coordinates: 39.8003° N, 83.8881° W
00:11:35 - On POC culture on campus

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What are your feelings or thoughts on POC culture on Antioch's campus?

Segment Synopsis: Here Meli weighs in on her thoughts on POC culture on campus, noting how the small POC admittance numbers from '15 '16 and '17 lead to a weaker POC culture that only grew in strength as more diversity was brought on campus. She describes the culture as quicker to laugh about things but also quicker to support angry endeavors. Some of the strengths she describes are POC cultures ability to "Encourage people to dance about it" and ensure that people don't feel "alone when you're mad about things." She says these strengths come from being outnumbered on campus, and a shared experience of frustrations. this translates into her having a sense of connection with other POC.

Keywords: Antioch College; Culture; POC; admissions

Subjects: Antioch College; Campus Life; Culture; POC; Students of Color; admissions

00:17:38 - The POC Day of Disappearance Day.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: If you could, explain the POC Disappearance Day.

Segment Synopsis: Meli explains the thought process behind planning the Day of Disappearance, what her perception of what the white students' experience was, how she believes authority is taking advantage of the patients and compassion of these students. Meli spends time distinguishing between actual segregation and the misnomer "self segregation" and other misconceptions the organizers of the Day of Disappearance had to overcome while fighting for a POC hall.

Keywords: Activism; Antioch; POC; day of disappearance; women of color

Subjects: Antioch; Day of disappearance; POC; activism; self seggregation; women of color

00:23:58 - Why do you think you chose that path? Planning the day of disappearance and the activists tacticians.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was the decision making there, if there was?

"It was a really planned decision. We chose recommendations verses demands for a reason, we chose to try and work with a collaboration, and like advice and dialoguing of administration verses like complete protests all because Antioch is supposed to be this new type of social experiment."

Segment Synopsis: Meli reflects on her philosophy of activism and the strategies and tactics used during the Day of Disappearance. She speaks about her evolution as an activist. How the organizers wanted to draw authority and leadership into their movement and her worries that authority was taking advantage of this. Here Meli reflects on the differences in how authority has responded to other groups and what their gains have been. Meli expresses some disappointment in the results.

Keywords: collaboration; community; decisions; patience; plans; social experiment

Subjects: Activism; POC; Strategies; communication; school administration

00:32:36 - So be it; Let us self segregate.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Through the day of disappearance, it was about, um, our POC hall issue and how we weren't allowed one.

Segment Synopsis: Meli argues against the idea that if POC have their own hall it will somehow harm white students ability to learn about anti-racism.

Keywords: POC; oppression; segregation; self segregation

Subjects: Activism; Antioch; Antiracism; POC; oppression; segregation

00:33:54 - The Importance of a POC hall.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This POC housing is supposed to empower us

Segment Synopsis: Meli describes the importance of a POC hall for "Such a small and progressive campus like Antioch." Meli describes different attitudes among white liberals on campus varying from "having all of these racist attitudes but never speaking up about them" to "being talked over by white people attempting to be involved in the protests over the John Crawford case."

She goes into how easy organizing events related to the John Crawford case were because of the close proximity of the women of color floor on the case unit.

Keywords: John-Crawford the III; POC hall; empowerment; poc

Subjects: activism; housing; implicit bias; racism; students of color

00:43:06 - Hopes on what the culture in the POC hall will be like.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you feel like your culture is valued in POC group?

Segment Synopsis: Meli hopes that this POC hall will generate more culture at Antioch. She doesn't currently see other POC as exclusively her "Clique" but she is eager to have that surrounding community to "lean back on."

Keywords: Antioch College; POC group; identity

Subjects: community support; cultural exchange; educational experience; international culture; racism

00:46:36 - Does Yellow Springs have the potential to be a safe haven again? and other closing thoughts.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Yellow springs was once a safe heaven for people of color due to Antioch, how do we regain that presence?

Segment Synopsis: Meli believes that Antioch needs to put more effort into cultivating that culture by building a better support network. Friends and attachment are core parts of why people stay. "You have to make it your own. You have accommodate those people." She recommends the administration "do some more radical things if this school is going to survive without becoming a huge facade of social justice."

Keywords: Yellow Springs; antioch college; gentrification

Subjects: Antioch College; Colege Campus; gentrification; historical context; racism; safe haven