Karim Zaghar Interview

Antioch College
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00:00:09 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Karim Zaghar
Class of 2017
Psychology Major

Keywords: Class of 2017; Psychology major

00:00:52 - Relationship to Lynn Knight and student events & activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What working positions did you hold/what was your relationship to Lynn Knight and events?

Keywords: backstage; production manager; summer camps; usher

00:02:24 - Learnings

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What have you learned from these positions and working with Lynn?

Keywords: experience; growth; manager role; organizing; student events; team player

00:05:39 - Current status

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Where are you now and what are you doing now?

Keywords: Germany; Leipzig University

00:06:49 - Before Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your journey before Earlham? How did you end up at Earlham?

Keywords: Earlham College; Quaker community; Ramallah Friends School; US Exchange year; arrival on campus; building connections; finances; liberal arts; small schools

00:12:29 - Time at Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What challenges did you face? What did you appreciate? What were your significant experiences?

Keywords: Black Lives Matter; Earlham; Events job; India; Palestine; Tibet; Tibetan Studies Program; activist organizing; common values; community; education; love; speaking out; student organizing; study abroad; understanding

00:18:26 - Time after Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your transition after Earlham?

Keywords: AIESEC; Germany; NGO; transition to Germany

00:21:08 - Experiences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What role did your experiences at Earlham have on your journey after Earlham?

Keywords: AIESEC; Psychology; bigger world; bringing Earlham with me; common interests; finding connection; organizing; struggling to connect; volunteering

00:26:19 - To Prospective International Students

Play segment

Keywords: Earlham College; following your interests; freedom to choose; freedom to interact; general education; liberal arts; undecided

00:29:53 - Dear Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: As an international alum, is there anything you would like Earlham to know?

Keywords: bringing people together; continuing its legacy; creating community; diverse community; look to your past; professors