John Knight Interview

Antioch College
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00:00:13 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: John Knight
Tel Aviv, Israel
Class of 2014
Linguistics and Spanish & Hispanic Studies Major
Middle Eastern Studies Minor

00:01:28 - Relationship to Lynn Knight and Student Events & Activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What working positions did you hold/what was your relationship to Lynn Knight and events?

Keywords: box office; office assistant

00:01:46 - Current Status

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Partial Transcript: Where are you now and what are you doing now?

Keywords: Immigrant Affairs; Mayor's Office; New York; helping immigrants; social services; supervisor

00:03:45 - Before Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your journey before Earlham? How did you end up at Earlham?

Keywords: Earlham; UWC Wales; United World Colleges; dialogue; diverse community; international perspective

00:05:45 - Time at Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your arrival at Earlham like? What challenges did you face?

Keywords: Indiana; financial struggle; international student; study abroad; summer job; welcoming

00:08:39 - Favorite Memories & Experiences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you have any favorite memories or experiences at Earlham?

Keywords: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie; events

00:10:14 - Challenges and Learning Experiences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What other challenges did you face when coming to Earlham or Indiana? What learning experiences did you have?

Keywords: Box Office; language barrier; life events; summer job

00:12:08 - Liberal Arts Education

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Partial Transcript: What about the liberal arts education, how do you see it being a different experience from other schools?

Keywords: personal development; professors; small classes

00:13:58 - Learnings

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Partial Transcript: Is there anything that Earlham taught you that, looking back now, you really cherish?

Keywords: Peace in the Middle East; bringing people together; class; classroom discussions; opening views; transformation

00:16:06 - International Perspective

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Partial Transcript: As an international student, were you able to bring a different perspective into the classroom or in discussions with other students that was eye opening to them?

Did you always experience Earlham as cherishing international students or did you also experience challenges as an international student, or as a student coming from Israel?

Keywords: appreciation; challenges; different perspective; discrimination; listening; living in fear; open mind; support

00:21:41 - Time after Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your transition like? What was your journey after Earlham?

Keywords: NYC ID; New York; OPT; finances; illegal immigrants; naive confidence; social services program; translations; work permit

00:26:43 - To Prospective International Students

Play segment

Keywords: do what you love; embrace uncomfort; follow your interests; money pressure; take advantage of opportunities

00:27:56 - More Reflection on Earlham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Is there anything else you would like to add about your time at Earlham? What impact it had on you? What do you think about today?

Keywords: academically challenging; big impact; come out with a lot; education; immigrant focus; learning about my country; transformation