Elena Moreta

Antioch College


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00:01:24 - Introductions and brief description of Elena's work history at the market.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Elena has worked at the market since her daughter was born, 39 years ago. She also makes clothes to sell at the market, but now the sales are slim.

Keywords: Otavalo; market

00:02:55 - Elena talks about sales, the poor economy, and learning her embroidering skills.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: There is less toursim and they used to sell to other countries. It is better for them to sell per piece. For each piece of clothing they make twenty-five cents. The intermediaries make three times more than they do. She explains how she learned to do her work, however, her eyes are failing and she can't sew as much anymore.

00:04:17 - Elena comments on the expenses and workload to make ends meet.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Elena and her family work the land to make ends meet and to cover the house and medical expenses.

00:06:26 - Elena describes her family and her relationship with her children.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: She is 54 and her husband is 57. They are very thankful for what they have. She has 7 grandchildren. Her son and daughter live in Spain, and sometimes they come to visit. Elena would like to see them more often. She does not want to move to Spain.

00:08:52 - On working, economics, and living-standards.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Elena likes to work at the market and work with her hands. She describes her work, and explains that she does not want to mortgage her house to get loans to expand her business. She is afraid of debt. The rest of her family work producing handcrafts as well.

00:10:38 - Elena describes her sewing project.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Elena talks about her embroidery and her latests projects.