Elena Ramos

Antioch College


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00:01:08 - Introduction to interview. Elena talks about her clothes.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Elena introduces herself and explains that her clothing is traditional from the indigenous communties of Otavalo.

Keywords: Otavalo; clothing; embroidery

00:01:36 - Elena explains how she started to work in the market.

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Partial Transcript: Yo vivía en Otavalo. Yo cuando yo era niña trabajaba de empleada y a los 18 años ya me comencé a trabajar en lo que es mio. Antes se vendía superbien, pero ahora como todo el mundo tiene entonces, ya la venta es baja, pero se ha bajado todo, entonces ya no se compra mucho.

Segment Synopsis: Elena mentions that she has worked in the market business for 18 years, and that prior to this, she worked as a house cleaner.

Keywords: handcrafts; market

00:02:42 - Elena comments on the low sales and how she started producing new handcrafts.

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Partial Transcript: Yo le ví a una persona que hacía un sombrero y después, como yo sabía hacer sombreros también pero no se vendían, produjimos Diablo Uma). El 14 de julio la gente se disfraza de esto y baila por casa por casa. Es tradicional con el consumo de chicha, comida y baile, el día 14 de julio.

Segment Synopsis: Elena comments on the low sales and how she started producing the Diablo Uma hat. She also describes the celebration of the Inti Rei, when the hat is worn by people in the community, dancing and drinking.

Keywords: Inti Rei; diablo Uma; hats

00:03:44 - Elena describes her family.

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Segment Synopsis: Elena describes her family. She is the eldest of six siblings.

00:04:31 - Habitual day at the market and working hours.

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Partial Transcript: Pero, a este mercado, lo abren a las 8 de la mañana, yo siempre vengo a las 8:30 o 9:30. Abro hasta a las 7 de la noche. Vivimos y trabajamos aquí mismo para pagar los arriendos, vivimos acá porque en la calle no nos dejan trabajar.

Segment Synopsis: Elena talks about her daily working hours. She also adds that she prefers to live in Quito because it is more convenient since her community is too far.

00:05:37 - Elena talks about her merchandise and her life expectations.

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Partial Transcript: Si tuviera título trabajaría en las oficinas, como no tenemos título, entonces trabajamos aquí en artesanías, pero siempre me gusta trabajar independiente.

Segment Synopsis: Elena explains that she makes enough money to survive. If she were not working at the market, she would like to work in an office, but she does not have a degree. She likes to be independent and sell her own merchandise.

00:06:55 - On tourists' tastes, traditional attire, colors, and design.

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Segment Synopsis: Elena explains that sometimes they may vary the colors of the merchandise to fit it to tourist demand. While customers like more neutral colors, she examines that indigenous women prefer brighter "folk" colors for their personal attire.