Maria Chacaguasay

Antioch College


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00:00:31 - Introduction of interviewee.

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Maria provides personal background information and notes that she has worked at the market for a year.

00:00:58 - María explains why she likes working at the market selling handcrafts

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Segment Synopsis: María explains that she likes the objects are all handmade by local communities of artisans and familiarize tourists with their culture.

00:01:36 - On tourists and merchandise

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Segment Synopsis: María provides information about the quality and the materials of the handbags. She also describes how these are done.

00:02:48 - María talks about her indigenous clothing and use of social media. Otavaleños abroad.

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Segment Synopsis: María explains that she is proud of her indigenous purubá clothing, although, she also wears contemporary fashion. She also notices that present day indigenous communities use social media. We discuss the fact that there are several otavaleños (people from Otavalo), residing in Europe.

Keywords: Otavalo; clothes; purubá; social media; travel

00:04:09 - Traditional day at the market and speaking with tourists.

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Segment Synopsis: María talks about a traditional day at the market, and remembers that when she started working, she could not understand English, but after gaining come contact with tourists, she is able to exchange a few words with them. She says, that they teach each other their own language.

Keywords: English; tourists

00:05:18 - Describes her family and community relations.

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Segment Synopsis: María talks about her family from Riobamba and the local communities. She examines that indigenous peoples and mestizos (indigenous - European descendants) are now united.

Keywords: indigenous communities; mestizos

00:05:50 - Maria talks about her career and her prospects for the future.

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Segment Synopsis: Maria talks about her future. She notes that she is saving to continue studying, and that she already has a degree in business administration. She works at the market to gain more experience, but, in the near future, she would like to have her own business.

Keywords: business administration

00:05:55 - María comments on her likes and dislikes of working at the market

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Segment Synopsis: María comments that she likes to working at the market, but she does not like wasting time. She likes to be busy.