Kashif_Anwar_Reimaging Linguistic Diversity of Pakistani Languages

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00:00:06 - introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: First of all, Assalamu Alaikum...............major in psychology and minor in philosophy.

Segment Synopsis: Kashif is documenting Saraiki language, the interviewee is a senior year psychology student with a minor in philosophy belongs to Bhakkar, near the land of Thal. the student, Anwar is agreed to be interviewed.

Keywords: Bhakkar-psychology-philosophy

00:00:37 - Childhood experiences

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Partial Transcript: As everyone has specific childhood experiences..............the people were very healthy and good back then.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee recalls childhood experiences in South Punjab, highlighting activities like playing akhroot (a specific game played in south Punjab) in Uncle Deena's hatti (shop), and the community's strong religious setting. The influence of Saraiki culture, enthusiastic love and hate, and the sweetness of language are emphasized, as well as the transition to Lahore and observations about the health of people in the past.

Keywords: Enthusiastic love and hate; Prayers and rewards Religious setting; Saraiki culture; influence of Saraiki language; Childhood experiences

00:04:20 - Use of Saraiki language

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Partial Transcript: What do you think about the Saraiki language.....................this is something that should be addressed.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee expresses concern about the declining use of Saraiki among the youth, attributing it to a sense of shame, stigmatization, and a lack of understanding about cultural expression. The impact of increasing modernity and a preference for English are identified as factors contributing to the decreasing interest in regional languages.

Keywords: Increasing modernity; Loss of interest in language and culture; Stigmatization; Decreased use of Saraiki

00:05:21 - Language, a source of Identity

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Partial Transcript: As you know, language is a means of recognition...........People feel ashamed, I have seen this.

Segment Synopsis: Language is a way to recognize and connect with culture. In villages, people are raised with pride in their language, but in cities like lahore, specifically in FC College, there's a trend to protect identity by avoiding speaking Saraiki due to sense of shame and specific reasons, leading to a decline in its use.

Keywords: Connection with culture; Different perspectives in villages and cities; FC College; Language as a means of recognition

00:06:32 - Folklore and Storytelling

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Partial Transcript: you must have folklore and stories in your home..............story that consists of monsters that will eat everyone and everything.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee is asked about their exposure to folklore. They share how their grandmother, aunt, and mother used to tell them stories, their favourite tale of Ghinjadu, along with other stories involving monsters.

Keywords: Favorite story - Ghinjadu; Monsters story; Folklore and stories

00:08:02 - impact of Saraiki language

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Partial Transcript: You are Saraiki............I think all these influences are from the Saraiki language and culture.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee reflects on the impact of Saraiki language and culture in their life. They highlight the importance of understanding others' perspectives, influenced by their diverse interactions. The teachings from their Saraiki mother, emphasizing habits like saying sorry, have shaped their character and contributed to a sense of empathy and forgiveness.

Keywords: Cultural influence; Diverse population; Understanding others' perspectives; Saraiki language impact

00:10:24 - Linguistic diversity and marginalization

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Partial Transcript: You speak Saraiki, Urdu, and also you have Pashto speaking friends............there are some people who think in certain ways but that doesn’t matter.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee discusses maintaining Saraiki language by speaking with those interested and adapting to the language preference of others. Despite having Pashto-speaking friends, they emphasize personal comfort in language use. Regarding being a Saraiki speaker, the interviewee feels empowered rather than marginalized, citing positive experiences and support at FC College, where English proficiency was a personal challenge but not a barrier to acceptance.

Keywords: - Marginalization; Empowerment; Multilingualism; Saraiki language

00:13:12 - Development of Saraiki language and literature

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Partial Transcript: Have you ever participated in any of the projects carried for the development of Saraiki language............I have served Saraiki at every level and contributed from my side.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee has actively contributed to Saraiki language and culture development. They've been involved in building the council at FC College, serving as a returning officer in elections, organizing Saraiki night, and advocating for the importance and beauty of Saraiki. Additionally, they served as the president of the Foreman Sociological Society, organizing various activities and study circles to contribute to the community and promote Saraiki at every level.

Keywords: - Council building in FC College; - Saraiki night; Volunteer in the community; Shakir Sujai Abadi

00:15:49 - Poetry and Songs of Saraiki language

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Partial Transcript: I like the poetry of Saraiki................This is one of my activities that i listen songs with my mother.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee expresses a fondness for Saraiki poetry. Their favorite poet is Shakir Shuja Abadi, and they emphasize the importance of asking questions. They enjoy the songs of various Saraiki singers like Basit Naeemi, Cheena, Attahullah, Mansur Malangi, Zeeshan Rokri, and Satar Zakhmi. A special activity for them is listening to these songs with their mother, creating a bonding experience.

Keywords: - Favorite poet - Shakir Shuja Abadi; Favorite singers -; Importance of asking questions; Listening activities with mother; Saraiki poetry

00:19:46 - Actions regarding ongoing struggle for Saraiki language

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Partial Transcript: Did you take any action regarding ongoing struggle for Saraiki language............This will be my attempt in the coming years.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee shares their involvement in educational initiatives for Saraiki language, including academic study, teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, and plans to establish a library for women. They aim to explore and understand diverse ways of life through qualitative research, utilizing their background in psychology for the benefit of the community in the coming years.

Keywords: Saraiki language-Teaching during Covid-19-New communication methods-Library for women

00:21:19 - Different ways of Jhumar in Saraiki Culture

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In the Saraiki culture, there are different ways of jhumar................there is a term in psychology called as group therapy, which is when you sit together and share your joys and sorrows and have same mindset, it heals you and makes your life better.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee discusses the diversity in Saraiki culture, mentioning Zaheer Mehravi Sahib's unique Jhumar performance and variations in Jummar across regions. He highlights language differences and express their appreciation for a traditional winter gathering in South Punjab. He emphasizes the psychological benefits of group therapy, where people share joys and sorrows, fostering a sense of community and healing.

Keywords: Games and meals; Group therapy; Healing through shared experiences; Traditional winter gatherings; Regional variations in Jummar

00:23:49 - Saraiki Language Documentation, Encouragement of Saraiki Language and Culture

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My project is about Saraiki language documentation............I feel good interacting and sitting with people of my language and culture. I enjoy it a lot.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewee expresses support for the Saraiki language documentation project, shares admiration for Pashtun culture, and encourages the youth to embrace their language and culture while enjoying interactions with people of the same background.

Keywords: Appreciation for Pashtun culture and friends; Embrace language and culture; Youth of Saraiki language; Saraiki language documentation project