Partial Transcript: "I come here in August 15th, 1970, it was on Saturday"; "When I went to church on Eastern Parkway I saw many many many Haitians, I thought I was in Haiti again"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia remembers the exact day and day of the week she came to the United States. She remembers going to church the next day near Eastern Parkway and seeing a lot of Haitian people. She says my grandmother, my great grandmother and my grandfather came to pick her up from the airport.
Partial Transcript: "When I came, I say whatever I find, I'll take it"; "I feel comfortable with that job, they love me, I love them-- and they respect me. So, I can't complain about America.
Segment Synopsis: Antonia talks about initially working at a factory and that she had training as a dressmaker in Haiti but never used those skills in the US. She says that after her stint in the factory, she was a babysitter for 18 years.
Partial Transcript: "I didn't work for nothing because of them"; "I love them dearly, they respect me and I respect them"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia speaks very briefly about her marriage to her husband and conveys simply that he was a very bad man. She beams with pride about her daughters and how much she loves and respects them.
Partial Transcript: "Even [if] I am penniless, I am a millionaire today because of them"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia says that it was difficult to raise two kids and that they have made her very proud. She seems to imply that she made sacrifices for her children as her answer to why respect is important. I thought it best not push especially since she is an elder in the family.
Partial Transcript: "For a better life"; "Man NiNi and Marie said by the time they came here, Antonia will follow them"; They send me a paper, I fill it out, and I came here"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia talks about wanting to leave Haiti for a better life. She also mentions my great grandmother and grandmothers role in her immigration. She says came here at 36 years old
Partial Transcript: "Nothing change. I'm Haitian. I'm Haitian. I'm Haitian"; "Because my ancestors- Dessalines, Petion, Toussaint L'Ouverture shed their blood for us"; "That's why I am who we are now"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia doesn't really see a difference between being black and being Haitian. She says she is black because of her ancestors' sacrifices and names Haitian visionaries of the past.
Partial Transcript: "Like yesterday, I went to a place to send money to Haiti"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia talks about sending money to a more distant cousin of hers in Haiti because she recognizes that sometimes she throws food out in the US when it's hard for people to eat. She sees her sending money as a part of her responsibility and shares that she likes to help people.
Partial Transcript: "They used to work on the earth but since 10 years ago, it's not the same. You have to import everything"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia talks about overall shifts in Haiti in the last 10 years or so where there is less local agriculture and an increase in imports. She also talks about being taught to cook traditional Haitian dishes by my great grandmother.
Partial Transcript: "I came here is 70 and I went back in 1978"; "The last time I went was 1999"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia talks about her first time going back to Haiti after migrating to the United States. She then talks about the threat of kidnapping in the 90s that made her trip to Haiti in 1999 the last time she went back to visit.
Partial Transcript: "Always in Brooklyn but I work[ed] in Manhattan"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia talks about some of the struggles she went through working and raising her two daughters. She talks about having many people, family and friends, help her through difficult times. She talks about the cooperative aspects of family.
Subjects: family
Partial Transcript: "On January 1st, you have to make a soup"
Segment Synopsis: Antonia talks about traditions that she has carried on in the United States. She talks about her daily routine and experiences like going to Rockefeller Center and going window shopping with her daughters. Antonia also talks about gathering the family on New Year's Day to eat traditional Haitian soup. She mentions that it became a lot more common to eat the soup with the larger extended family when she moved to the United States