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00:00:40 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: today we have with us uh Fatima Batool ......

Segment Synopsis: Noor-Ul-Ain Sadiq introduces what the interview entails, the language that has been covered which is Persian. Along with, Fatima introducing herself.

Keywords: Persian-interview-languagedocumentation

00:01:14 - Early Life and association with Persian

Play segment

Partial Transcript: um if i talk about me being associated with persian is because my mother belongs from iran so um......

Segment Synopsis: Fatima talks about her association with the language. Her mother is from Iran and her siblings inheriting that from their mother and how she fluently talks and communicates in Persian because of that.

Keywords: Iran-mother-language

00:01:21 - Specific Terms In Persian

Play segment

Partial Transcript: mother okay so mother we call madre right yeah and father uh father we call it babi yeah......

Segment Synopsis: Fatima differentiates the terms and how are they different from rest of the languages.

Keywords: terms-specific

00:03:22 - Tradition that must be preserved

Play segment

Partial Transcript: okay so can you share a particularly meaningful or ancient oral tradition from your hometown that you believe should be preserved for future generations ........

Segment Synopsis: Fatima talks about a very sweet tradition a gesture towards elders being diminished over time or not being associated with the Iranian culture anymore and how she would personally want that to be preserved.

Keywords: ancient-tradition-dminished-future-generation

00:04:14 - Challanges faced by the Persian community

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: She talks about how Persians have been targetted overtime, she talks about how usually they're mostly Shia's so they have always been under threat. How most of them have moved out or are located mostly in Quetta.

00:05:34 - Preservation of Persian Language

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Quetta so preserving a language is obviously then difficult and it isn't taught in schools......

Segment Synopsis: Here, the emphasis is on the language itself and how it should be preserved considering the circumstances. How the language isn't being taught as well in educational institutes.

00:06:34 - Multilingual Community of FCCU and experience overall.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: of FCCU how do you feel about the fact that you are a native speaker of Persian and multilingual community of FCCU ......

Segment Synopsis: Life at FCCU and the challenges she faced over here and how she is the only one in the hostel, probably at campus also. Feeling alienated and experience overall has been shared.

00:07:58 - Favorite phrases/quotes.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: right this is just a common phrase we use a lot or I guess this is my a lot of frustration and was up ........

Segment Synopsis: She shares her favourite quotes and phrases and explains in detail.

00:08:47 - Persian and sense of self

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Persian in itself it's a very beautiful respectful and a sweet language.....

Segment Synopsis: How she feels about being a persian, her connection how she feels about when persian is being promoted through various mediums.

Subjects: beautiful-sweet-persian-movie

00:10:49 - Iranian Culture and Food

Play segment

Partial Transcript: was your favorite food growing up and was it homemade if so please share the recipe um and do you have any ....

Segment Synopsis: She talks about Iranian culture and food.

Keywords: Iranian-food-kunafa

00:12:08 - Ancient Persian

Play segment

Partial Transcript: any idea about rare vocabulary, forgotten words and proverbs or ancient versions of the language? At times, whenever ...

Segment Synopsis: She explains the difference between the ancient persian and now and how it has evolved over time. How accent has evolved.

Keywords: vocabulary-mixed-urdu

00:13:47 - Culture shock/difference

Play segment

Partial Transcript: when it comes to weddings, festivals, such as Eid, and other functions?...

Segment Synopsis: How Iranian culture is different. Her personal experience, living in different cultures and keeping in touch with her roots. How festivals are different or what differentiates them.

Keywords: Eid-warmness-culutre-shock

00:15:25 - Favorite Song and concluding the conversation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: just sing it out and then explain it to us. Okay, sure. So, the poem is basically... Zindagi asto, marg azma.....

Segment Synopsis: Concluding the conversation with Fatima sharing a poem she knows and she explains it, which was tragically beautiful.

Keywords: Poem-zindagi