Noor_Ms. Mussarat Shahid Mushadhi_Reimaging Linguistic Diversity of Pakistani Languages

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00:01:21 - Introduction and early life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So our lines go back to Iran. And my father used to be very, very particular about us speaking Persian when we we....

Segment Synopsis: Miss Mussarat talks about her early life in Karachi and her association with the language and she has been brought up in a Persian setting and school as well.

Keywords: Karachi-father-fluency

00:02:44 - Specific Terms In Persian

Play segment

Partial Transcript: what would be mother in Persian? Mother. Right. Father. Father....

Segment Synopsis: She explains each and every term thoroughly.

Keywords: terms-persian

00:05:29 - Tradition(s) that must be preserved

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Nowruz and that is the first day of spring, 21st of March. Right....

Segment Synopsis: Miss Mussarat talks about Norouz and its importance. How, that must be preserved in her opinion. She talks about how persian calender should've been preserved as well.

Keywords: Norouz-March-spring

00:06:41 - Challanges faced by the Persian community

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When they came to Pakistan, they were Sayyids and they were driven out from Iran.....

Segment Synopsis: She talked about shia killings in Iran. How her family shifted from Iran to Pakistan. Challenges she and her family has faced over time to preserve the culture.

Keywords: parsi-gujraati-shia-iran-merchant-navy

00:06:43 - Multilingual Community of FCCU and experience overall.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So we got lost. We lost touch with the language.....

Segment Synopsis: She talks about how although she is not fluent but still she feels about being a multilingual speaker at FCCU and within the communtiy.

Keywords: lost-in-touch-with-language

00:15:25 - Persian and sense of self

Play segment

Partial Transcript: and sense of self while growing up? I think ......

Segment Synopsis: She sheds light here on Persian's history and how it shaped her, the culture, the food. How it has overtime become a mixed culture as well and given her a broader perspective on life.

00:16:37 - Expressions In Persian

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, uh, if I say love, like, you know, um, Babajoon, yeah.....

Segment Synopsis: She explains how Persian is more of or about sounds, it is a very expressive language. Usage of sounds.

00:18:02 - Favorite phrases/quotes.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: and wanted to know or look at a phrase where he could look and see that this was a fleeting emotion, whether it was being sad or being happy......

Segment Synopsis: She talks and explains the history behind the quote/phrase "This shall too pass" and shares a very interesting folktale regarding this.

Keywords: quote-folktale-king

00:19:44 - Culture and Food

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Baudian, Baudian Goul,and Bamiyan, which ....

Segment Synopsis: Miss Mussarat shares unique and beautiful dishes which has been passed down to her and how she has evolved through them and because of them.

00:24:49 - Concluding the interview with a Persian song

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So this goes like gillet , gillet that hell mom ....

Segment Synopsis: Miss shares her favourite Persian poetry and she translates and explains that then a persian song is played which is one of he favourite song as it reminds of her father.

Keywords: song-poem-hamam-fragrance