A Great Lakes Colleges Association initiative supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Project Planning Basics— Templates & Examples

Templates for Public Use

Here are templates developed by OHLA faculty to help you build and implement your project.

Project Statement: INFORMED-CONSENT-project-statement

Release Form: INTERVIEW-student-release-form


Metadata & Biography form: OHLA_-Interview-Metadata-Form

Proposal Example Materials

Below are links to an example proposal narrative, release statement, informed consent form, and letters of endorsement and support. You can reference these documents when drafting a proposal to submit to OHLA, or to any other agency. Who are your community partners, what are your outcomes, and by what benchmarks?

Proposal Narrative

Informed Consent

Student Release 

Endorsement Letter

Letter of Support

Letter of Support

Written by

Brooke directs Oral History in the Liberal Arts for the Great Lakes Colleges Association, supporting more than 60 Mellon-funded research projects employing interview methodology and digital tools for community-based learning. In its 5th year, the program has grown into a partnership with the Global Liberal Arts Alliance to support transnational interview projects. She travels regularly offering workshops on the philosophy of oral history and critical community pedagogy. An aesthetic philosopher and oral historian who composes work in narrative, media and textiles, Brooke is a practitioner of critical and digital pedagogies. She currently chairs the Writing Program and serves as Assistant Professor of Writing & Digital Literacy at Antioch College, where she convenes the creativity and story area of practice, teaches nonfiction writing, and supports students in self design majors that engage philosophy, media, oral history, critical community studies, and contemporary art practice. Her current research locates the American quilt within a Deleuzeian aesthetic, exploring its praxis and conservation through virtuality, multiplicity, and event.

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