A Great Lakes Colleges Association initiative supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Interview with Donovan Dossuous

Project Index

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My name is Jules Desroches. I graduated from Kenyon College in 2018 with a degree in American Studies and concentrations in Law & Society and African Diaspora Studies. At this point, I think of everything in terms of projects because I'm paranoid about only doing one thing with my life. This project was/ is cool because I got to blend the personal and the academic and engage with what being Haitian-American could mean for different people while also engaging with race, gender, and class. I do my best to understand my self in relation to the world around me better and I'm really glad I could engage with oral history and the process of making meaning with family members. When I'm not overthinking, I like to listen to music that is best described as wavy-recently that means Tom Misch, Smino, and Ravyn Lanae.

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